ASDE. Assimilation System for Drag Estimation
A full 4D-Var assimilation system consisting of a middle-atmospheric dynamical model, bucky, the adjoint model and conjugate gradients for optimization of the cost function. It uses an augmented state with the model state and forcing terms (as a full 3D field but static). See Pulido and Thuburn (2005) for further reference. It is coded in fortran 90.
Gaussian beam approximation for orographic gravity wave tracing
Application of the Gaussian beam approximation for the propagation of orographic gravity wave disturbances in realistic horizontal background winds (under WKB approximation). Complex orography is simulated through superposition of Gaussians (see Pulido and Rodas, JAS, 2011). Coded in IDL.
A prediction system for work-force management. Asesoramiento a empresa E-solutions S. A.
Parameter estimation using EM-EnKF.
Site under development. But please do write me if you are interested in the code.