
My work is focussed on advancing the computational modelling of geophysical systems, i.e. the atmosphere and the oceans. One research line that I follow is using physical principles and math developments for improving the representation of unresolved physical processes.

Within this context, I have been very enthusiastic in the sinergy between observations and modelling. In other words, the development of (automatic) techniques that use observations to improve geophysical numerical models.

This reminds machine learning: to determine models and processes from observations in a pure probabilistic framework. In a bit more specific terms, my research has been focussed on developing data assimilation techniques based on variational principles and Monte Carlo filters that allow system identification, to improve models or physical parameterizations, instead of the more traditional application of data assimilation which is the estimation of the state of the system.

The results are in the publication list.

I have been involved in the following research projects.

Projects on Data Assimilation

2021-present Desarrollo y Aplicacion de Filtros de Flujos de Particulas Variacionales en Alta Dimensionalidad para la Asimilacion de Datos de Radar PICT-2019-03095 ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido
2020-present Sistema de monitoreo y prediccion del COVID-19 en la provincia de Corrientes usando asimilacion de datos CORR 01 COVID FEDERAL EX-2020-38902538- -APN-DDYGD#MECCYT. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido
2015-present Tecnicas de Asimilacion de Datos de Radar. Estimacion de Parametros Fisicos y Estadisticos con el Algoritmo de Expectation-Maximization PICT 2015-2368.ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido CoPI German Torres
2013-2016 Estimacion de error sistematico y parametros en modelos de distinta complejidad usando filtro de Kalman por ensambles PIP 2012. CONICET (National Research and Technology Council). PI: Manuel Pulido CoPI Juan Ruiz
2012-2017 Tecnicas de Asimilacion de Datos Regionales con Validacion y Aplicacion en el Norte Argentino PICT 2011. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido
2009-2012 Parameter estimation in climate models using data assimilation. PICT 2007. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. PI: Manuel Pulido

Projects on Gravity Waves

2008-present Gravity wave momentum budget for global circulation studies. SPARC (WRCP) initiative. Project coordinator: Joan Alexander NWRA/CoRA, USA.
2006-2009 The impact of gravity wave deposition in the Antarctic vortex dynamics. PICT 2004. ANPCyT. National Agency of Science Development. (Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica). PI: Manuel Pulido
2005-2007 The downward control of gravity wave drag in high latitudes. Observational estimation. Secretaria de Ciencia y Tecnica, UNNE. PI: Manuel Pulido